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Organic Farming

What is it?

Broccoli, Brassica oleracea, variety Italica, is a form of cabbage belonging to the mustard family, is native to Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. the word “Broccoli” stems from the Italian word “broccolo”, which means “the flowering top of a cabbage”. 


They are high in fiber, and a rich source of vitamin C and vitamin K. Raw broccoli also contains moderate amounts of B vitamins and the dietary mineral manganese. 


It is a result of the breeding of a native plant Brassica crops in the northern Mediterranean, and its origins start from primitive cultivars grown during the Roman Empire and was improved (via artificial selection) most probably in the Italian Peninsula or Sicily. They were subsequently spread to northern Europe by the 1700s and then America.

Conditions for growth

  • Being a cool season plant, frost-free weather is desired, but they do poorly in hot summer weather (average daily temperatures should be between 18°C-23°C)

  • There needs to be ample sunlight, they need a lot of sun, a minimum of 6-8 hours a day.

  • Acidity of soil should be pH 6.

  • There should be sufficient water, but do not overwater.

  • Ready to harvest before flowers on the head bloom.

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