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Glebionis coronaria

Glebionis coronaria, the scientific name of it is, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family. It is native to the Mediterranean region. It is cultivated and naturalized in East Asia and in scattered locations in North America.

Chrysanthemum, native to the Mediterranean. It is cultivated and naturalized in East Asia and in scattered locations in North America. It also has been cultivated in China for more than 900 years. Compendium of Materia Medica (《本草纲目》) mentions it can:“It can calm the mind, nourish the spleen and stomach, eliminate phlegm and benefit the intestines and stomach.”

The suitable temperature for the growth of chrysanthemum is 17 ~ 20 ℃, and the sowing weather in early spring is still cold, accompanied by the phenomenon of cold in late spring. Therefore, after sowing, it is necessary to cover the border surface with plastic film or old shed film, compact it with soil around, prevent cold and keep warm, and uncover the film before the seedlings are unearthed. When the planting temperature in the protected area exceeds 25 ℃, the vent shall be opened for ventilation.

Grow in moist but well-drained soil with added compost or well-rotted manure in a sunny, sheltered spot. Pinch out spray chrysanthemums and 'disbud' (remove the side shoots from) single-bloom chrysanthemums. All chrysanthemums need staking. Lift in autumn, cut back and store in a dry, frost-free place.

It is edible. The plant's greens are used in many Asian cuisines. It is widely available in China where it is called 茼蒿(菜) (Cantonese tong ho (choy), Mandarin tónghāo (cài)) and appears in multiple Chinese cuisines as a ingredient for stir fries, stews, casseroles, and hotpots. In Japanese cuisine, it is called "spring chrysanthemum" (Japanese: 春菊, romanized: shungiku), and is used in nabemono. Korean cuisine uses the greens in soups, stews, and alone as a side dish (banchan). In a hotpot, it is added at the last moment to the pot to avoid overcooking.

nutritive value:The plant is rich in minerals and vitamins with potassium concentrations at 610 mg/100 g and carotene at 3.4 g/100 g in edible portions. In addition, the plant contains various antioxidants (in stem, leaf, and root tissues) that have potential long-term benefits for human health, although toxic (dioxin) properties have also been observed. Extracts from C. coronarium var. spatiosum have been shown to inhibit growth of Lactobacillus casei, a beneficial human intestinal bacterium

For medicine: Selenium in chrysanthemum can regulate immune function and inhibit liver cancer, lung cancer and skin cancer. Chrysanthemum is rich in nutrition, refreshing and delicious. It can assist in treating disharmony between the spleen and stomach, adverse defecation, cough and phlegm。 It is especially suitable for growing children, adolescents and patients with senile anaemia. Cold food in summer can dispel the heat and increase appetite. The food, beverage, supplement or drug made of chrysanthemum can inhibit tumour metastasis and growth. Chrysanthemum contains essential oil, choline, and other substances beneficial to cough, phlegm, disharmony between spleen and stomach, memory loss, and chronic constipation. Chrysanthemum can also treat chronic gastroenteritis and habitual constipation.

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