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Chinese Kale
Organic Farming

About Chinese Kale

Brassica oleracea var. Alboglabra, the scientific name for Chinese kale, which is closely related to Broccoli, originated from South China and later spread to Southeast Asia.

It was said that the Chinese Kale came from cultivation over time through the selection of cole groups brought over by early Portuguese explorers since the Brassica (Broccoli) group originates from the Mediterranean.

A fun fact about kale is that a serving of it contains more absorbable calcium than your average carton of milk.


There are two Chinese kale varieties, one with white flowers, a slightly more popular one due to the height to which it grows.

There is also a yellow flower plant, but both are suitable to be grown through high and low temperatures in most areas. 

Best Conditions  for Growing

  • Chinese kale grows best in well-drained, fertile soil with sufficient sunlight daily, as well as cooler conditions.

  • The ideal pH level of the soil you should grow it in is around 6.0 - 7.5.

  • They are easy to grow and can be harvested in less than 3 months. If you live in an exceptionally warm climate, choose the slow-bolting varieties. 

How can you cultivate it?

Prior to planting starts or seeds, work compost or aged manure into the top six inches of the soil. To start off, sow seeds 1 cm deep into the soil. 

After 10-15 days, the seeds should have germinated and are ready to be replanted so each seedling is 15-30 cm apart. Once the first flower appears, the young stem and leaves should be harvested. 

The leaves should be ready to harvest 70 days after planting the seeds before the stems become woody and tough when the plant bolts. 

Pick the leaves 6-8 inches from the top, when the first flowers appear, and leave the inner leaves and buds to have a continuous supply of kale.

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Enjoy it~

The kale leaves, stalk, and unopened flower buds are the best parts of the plant. They are usually stir-fried, boiled, or cooked with meat and other vegetables, with a pleasantly sweet, and slightly bitter, earthy flavor.

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Singapore International School (HK), 23 Nam Long Shan Rd, Aberdeen.


Scrip writers:

Karisse Kooi & Melody Chong

Website Designer:

Xintong Zhao

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